Services  /  Marketing & Customer Experience

Marketing Training

At C&E, we understand that the pace of marketing change is rapid, and organizations’ commitment to learning and development often sets them apart from their competitors. We offer two primary types of interactive training to help educate and elevate marketing teams and other team members who wish to learn more about new developments in marketing.

Educational Workshops

Our marketing workshops are versatile ways to educate marketing teams. They can be tailored to the client’s learning objectives and cater to various group sizes, from small teams to larger audiences. To maximize engagement, they include interactive elements and practical advice. They can be as short as an hour or extend to a full day.

These sessions can cover various topics, including topics that span: marketing fundamentals

  • advanced digital strategies 
  • industry trends
  • trends in marketing (e.g., AI, MarTech, Customer Experience) 


Tailored Training Programs

For a more in-depth approach, we offer tailored training programs designed for small teams or specific roles, extending over a longer period. The key feature of our tailored training is the co-creation of work products. We work closely with your team on real-world projects and challenges, allowing participants to learn by doing. This hands-on, project-based approach ensures that the training directly contributes to your organization’s goals while fostering deep understanding and long-term skill development.