C&E partners and staff are often quoted in news stories and other media. Links to stories in which we are quoted, along with full-length interviews, are provided below. If you are preparing a news story and wish to interview a member of C&E, please contact us with your story topic and deadline.
Chaos and Questions: New Public Access Polices Put Journals in Flux (tctMD, August 15, 2023)
How Did Pearson Succeed in the US Higher Education Publishing Market? (Marketplace, December 16, 2021)
Pearson Launches App for Students (Inside Higher Ed, 30 July 2021)
Open-Access Publisher PLOS Pushes to Extend Clout Beyond Biomedicine (Nature, 13 May 2021)
Transformative open-access deals spread to the US (Physics Today, 10 July 2020)
Will the pandemic permanently alter scientific publishing? (Nature, 03 June 2020)
Publishers roll out alternative routes to open access. (Science, 09 March 2020)
What to Expect in the Publishing World in 2020 (The Scientist, 31 December 2019)
New deals could help scientific societies survive open access (Science, 16 September 2019)
Rise of the Platforms (Nature Physics, 03 September 2019)
Dutch publishing giant cuts off researchers in Germany and Sweden (Nature, 19 July 2019)
Huge US university cancels subscription with Elsevier (Nature, 28 February 2019)
Closing the Gap Between University Presses and Libraries (Inside Higher Ed, 18 October 2018)
Major Publishers File Second Lawsuit Against ResearchGate (The Scientist, 09 October 2018)
North American Universities Increasingly Cancel Publisher Packages (The Scientist, 11 June 2018)
Open-Access Best Sellers (Inside Higher Ed, 01 June 2018)
Europe’s open-access drive escalates as university stand-offs spread (Nature, 17 May 2018)
A Cengage Buffet (Inside Higher Ed, 05 December 2017)
Interview with Michael Clarke, Consultant (Science Editor, 23 August 2017)
Look for the Seal (Inside Higher Ed, 06 June 2017)
Joseph Esposito on the state of Open Access: Where are we, what still needs to be done? (Open and Shut, 17 July 2013)